Sunday, October 12, 2008

Things I Didn't Know As A New Mom

There were several things I did not expect as a new mom. When I was pregnant I had visions of holding my baby and everything being perfect. I did not think it would be difficult. Now reality has hit.

Colic! I had never heard of this condition and was not aware babies could cry throughout the day and get especially fussy into the evening until I had my daughter. When she would cry it made me feel bad that I couldn't find an immediate remedy. She began taking Zantac around 4 months. This helped a bit but we still had fussy periods in the evening for several months.

Having to go to sleep early! I quickly learned I could no longer go to bed around 1:00 A.M. even if I did not have to work. What a change to find myself going to sleep around 9:00. It definitely helped with early mornings and being woken up a few times a night.

Could not get out the first three months! The baby was small and the family was worried about her getting sick. It was also winter when she was born so I could not even take her out for a walk. Since she cried a lot I also had to avoid public places for awhile until she was over this period.

Teething! Sure I knew teething was tough on babies. However, I did not expect her to have teeth coming in at at six months. The only thing that seemed to help was Tylenol and I felt bad about giving it to her sometimes because I was worried about long term effects.

So those were some of the surprises I received over the last ten months. It's rewarding to be a mother and my daughter is happy and playful a lot. I just thought it would be easy!

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