Monday, October 13, 2008


My daughter was a colicky baby. What is this condition? It is characterized by long periods of excessive crying. Some say it is caused by gas and an immature digestive system. Others say that it is caused by acid reflux. Still there are Doctors that feel that the baby is adjusting to his or her surroundings. Some things that might help a colicky baby are rocking, carrying him/her in a sling, swinging, Mylicon/Gas drops, acid reflux medicines (if baby is diagnosed with AR) and the vacuum. If you are breastfeeding changing your diet and eliminating foods such as dairy, chocolate, coffee/caffeine, broccoli, etc. may help. If you are using formula you may have to change brands a few times. It does get better with time but it was difficult as a new parent. For us a combination of the things I mentioned worked but it took time.

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